Romantic Era Fashion Plates 1830-39
Covering a Three Piece Buckram Bonnet Form 1854-1865
Finishing a Straw Bonnet
Early Bustle Era Fashion Plates 1871-1877
Regency Era Fashion Plates 1800-1819 Treasury
Romantic Era Fashion Plates 1820-1829
Regency Era Fashion Plates Volume 2 1810-1819 (2017)
Regency Era Fashion Plate 1800-1809 (2017)
In Black and White Volume I: Bonnets 1860-65
In Black and White Volume III: Caps 1860-65
Drawn Bonnets Examination and Construction Techniques
Romantic Era Fashion Plates
Early Victorian Era Fashion Plates 1840-1844
Finishing a Straw Bonnet - digital download
Romantic Era Fashion Plates 1830-34 - Digital Download
Romantic Era Fashion Plates 1820-1829 - Digital Download
The Fashions from Ackermann's Repository 1820-1824